RapiCure Solutions is accelerating innovation in the manufacturing of advanced composites through increased performance and sustainability
Innovating the Future of Composite Technology
RapiCure Solutions is bringing the future of composite technology to manufacturers today. Our advanced composite manufacturing technology utilizes a well-controlled, self-propagating, frontal polymerization process to cure high-performance composites quickly and effectively. Our completely out-of-autoclave process not only reduces the time, money, and energy required to achieve curing of high-performance composites, but also yields a superior product that outperforms existing composites on the market.



Innovating the Future of Composite Technology
With RapiCure Solutions’ frontal polymerization process, one can manufacture a 4-inch by 8-inch composite panel in under two minutes, while the conventional manufacturing process would take hours to fabricate a similar part. The infrared (IR) video below show the temperature and curing time for a carbon-fiber composite piece using RapiCure Solutions’ resin when initiated from a single wire.
Manufacturing of a 4 inch by 8-inch composite panel can be achieved in under two minutes with frontal polymerization, while conventional manufacturing would take hours to make a similar part. The infrared (IR) video below shows the temperature and curing of the carbon fiber composite when initiated from a single wire.
View our gallery below, or contact us to learn more about this process.

FP-Based Composite Manufacturing
VARTM With Through-Thickness FP

FP-based 3D Printing

Corrugated part

35 ✕ 35 cm panel

Infusion: 90 sec Trigger: 15 sec (4800 J) Volume Fraction: 65% Void Content: 0.03% DOC: 98% Tg: 118 °C